Welcome to Apprenticeship (also known as the A-Team)! Our hope is that over the next eight weeks three things will happen. First, you will grow deeper in your relationship with Jesus. Second, you will grow in community with the people in this Apprenticeship class. Third, you will pray and consider if God is asking you to join the Discipleship Team and reach the campus with the good news of Jesus.
This is an opportunity to grow, but you should also consider this an invitation to really lean in to becoming an apprentice. This is different than your Core Group. This is a class. That means that there will be expectations, homework, and grades. You get to choose how to approach the class. If you’re just looking for your own growth and information, you can approach it like auditing. If you are considering applying for the Discipleship Team, you need to treat it like a class you want to pass.
Expectations & Elements of Apprenticeship
Class attendance. In person attendance is mandatory. You are allowed to miss one class as long as prior notice is given.
Weekly homework. Each week you will have four parts to your homework:
Missional Actions. These are things to help you live on mission like meeting people, sharing your testimony, and sharing the gospel.
Doer Actions/Practical Skills. These are ways you can practice obedience to Scripture we’ve learned about and/or skills you can practice that will help you follow Jesus.
Homework. This may be a video to watch, a podcast to listen to, an article to read, or a conversation to have.
Response form. These must be filled out weekly. They are due every Saturday at noon.
Doer Actions/Practical Skills. Throughout the class you will be asked to practice the following things (this list may change):
Attend a prayer time/Go on a prayer walk
SOAP Journal
Eat with someone you don’t know
Bless others
Meet an international student
Honor others
Make a simple budget that includes tithing
Pray about joining D Team
There will be a test a the end of class. If you show up to class and pay attention, it will be easy to pass.